who exactly is a vaishNnava? vaishNava lifestyle dasa avatAras (10 principle incarnations) of the Supreme Lord, Sriman Narayana The significance of vedic pranavam Vedas and upanishads 108 upanishads and their classification Sri nAthamuni, the path of two fold scripture 'Tat tvam asi' explained 'neti neti' rightly explained Importance of deity worship SrI kurattazhwar avatAra vaibhavam SrI kurattazhwar's avatAra visEshAs vEdAnta dEsika - paramapada sOpAnam SrI mAnavala mAmunigal GajEndra mOksham The legacy of tALLapAka poets ( annamAchArya,...) Sri Vishnu Sahasra nAmam - a conscise study Importance of Agni dEva Sri ParAsara Bhattar BhadrAchalam Bhakta rAma dasu Impact of cuisine on mind why we give Lord's names to children Religiosity is even a social necessity vaishNavism -royal patronage karma sidhanta Vegetarianism: Recommended in Vedic Scripture Differences between visishTAdvaita and the kevala advaita of sankara AchArya why do vaishnavas refute advaitins(shankara acharya followers) and buddhists as athiests .......... 'krishNAstu bhagavAn svayam' -bhAgavatam (explanation and comparision with gaudiya view of the same) Examination of necessity, credibility and logical correctness of gaudiya vaishnavas' doctrine of "achintya bheda-abheda" ....... Is there any absolute difference in the terms "Brahman, ParamAtma and bhagavAn" as held by Gaudiya vaishnavas, an analysis from the purport of Srimad bhAgavata purAna....... Is rationality a consistently rational approach? Is Darwin's theory of evolution scientifically proved? Is there no God? Do not allow spiritual laziness or the preachers of spiritual laziness to take over you. after all enquiring the about the absolute truth is what you have to do.
athAto "brahma" zignAsA - Then thereafter be inquisitive to enquire about "the Absolute"