is even a social necessity
SrImatE rAmAnujAya nama:
SrI lakshmI narasimha parabrahmaNE nama:
Dear vaishNavAs,
The human
society is a huge complex system, with its innumerable parameters. Different well-wishers of the society try to understand
its nature, sothat they can provide fitting solutions to the problems attached to it. When a disease outbursts, some try to
produce a drug to subdue it; when a natural calamity trembles human life, some try to find ways to predict such calamities
and rescue people from them;…. Yet the solutions are limited and problems are unlimited. We do have our own reasons
why society at large is suffering on the face of earth. Some say large population, some say illiteracy, some say corruption,
some say criminals, some say lack of resources, and so on so forth. But if we are genuine in our attempt to understand the
real cause, the answer is very simple. Let us make an enquiry in that direction.
The theory
of evolution says that the increase in the population of a specie in a specific locality is due to favorable conditions of
that locality for that specie. To agree on this point, we just need a little commonsense, and nothing more. The Indian subcontinent,
including china contributes to the maximum percent of world’s population. It is a fair to argue that this it is due
to the favorable conditions for life in these places. The higher the population, the greater the productivity; resulting in
the prosperity of the community. However, practical observation is contrary to this seemingly fair reasoning. Many people
in the subcontinent suffer with poverty stricken life. This indicates the problem of disproportionate productivity and/or
disproportionate distribution of products. Disproportionate productivity? Yes, when our farmers produce tobacco in place of
groundnut, acqua culturing in fertile(rice producing) coastal fields; when most of the engineers work to produce non-agriculture
related products; when doctors become ‘beauty surgeons’; when our most valuable youth wants to talk about cricket/hockey/….
Players, models, actors/actresses; there is a possibility of lesser productivity of essential amenities. When we produce objects
other than what is required, we run the risk of not producing the right ones, leading to disproportionate production. This
can be attributed to wrong directors of the society, including politicians and media. A film actors’ influence on the
general public shows how much our people are receiving information from wrong people.
distribution? Yes, There is no hardship in agreeing to the fact that the products are not distributed among the masses evenly.
But the real question is why this should take place. The answer is also very transparent, corruption. But most people opine
that there is no fool-proof anti-corruption system existing which can prevent such malpractices. But if we honestly investigate
the real problem is not with the system, but with the individuals. If we have a tougher corruption checking system, people
find much more intelligent ways to abuse it. The problem is the intention of the people to corrupt. Even the crimes take the
same logic.
Are the
problems of the society attributable to the low literacy rates in the society? If we trace back our history, we will find
it wrong, because just a 500 years ago the same land used to prosper with gold and grains with the same illiterate people.
Let us even
assume that we transcended the problems of huge population, illiteracy, corruption, crimes,….; are we then happy?. We
can analyze this by taking an example of such a nation, Sweden. Sweden is a huge country in European standards with
a very minute population (less than the population of a metro city in India),
every one atleast finishes high school education, least corrupted nation of the world, least crimes in the world as well,
beautiful natural surroundings, sophisticated appliances, very big per-capita income, zero poverty (as government provides
all allowances for disabled, old and unemployed people); YET THE HIGHEST SUICIDE
So a genuine
investigator of problems of the society has to come to the basic question of the problems of individual. As we have seen earlier,
disproportionate production is due to misdirection and greed; crimes and corruption are due to the arishad vargAs kAma(mis-directed
desire), krOdha(anger), lObha(greed), mOha(dillusioon), mada(pride) and matsara(envy). Above all these, dissatisfaction of
the self as we have seen in the countries like Sweden.
needs a good direction, for which society needs people who can direct it with unselfish motives towards prosperity. Society
needs distribution of wealth, but by those who are not greedy and disloyal or corrupt. Society needs administrators who monitor
the whole transactions. And society needs non-lazy producers, who produce objects that are needed by the society. These four
essential classes of men can be called brAhmaNas, vaishyAs, kshatrIyAs and sUdrAs. Not just we need these four classes of
men, but who are non-corrupt by nature. We can have preventive systems to stop selfish motives of men, but with rules crime
cannot be stopped, just it can be post-poned or disguised. So, morality of the individuals is the real solution to all the
problems of the society. Where do we develop morality other than a RELIGION?
inculcates morality in its followers, and people are guided towards the almighty. For a follower of a religion, he knows that
he is being witnessed by God, and is mindful of his actions. Even if he forgets this for a while, his spiritual teacher’s
mercy can correct the fouls of the faithful. Most importantly, righteous activity is the natural ornament of a true believer
of God. Hence, a true philanthropist or a social well-wisher is intrinsically theistic. Non religious men who are inclined
towards righteous action, although acting generously at times and made his/her mind to behave good, because they do not have
any strong reason why they should act righteously, they will soon fall from righteousness.
A fitting
example to this scenario is Buddhism, although Buddhism was accepted by many people in the beginning days for moral reasons
like non-violence, vegetarianism,.. soon it lost its principles. Now including the dalai lamas almost all budhists are non-vegetarians.
A non-theistic
moral person may restrain himself from drinking alcohol, but he doesnot have a strong reason for maintaining such a strong
resolve. At a weak moment, he may fall prey to it; whereas for a theistic person, he has every reason why he should maintain
his righteousness. A religious person also has a purpose to his life, i.e. cultivating love of God. Hence, he identifies the
purpose associated with it, unlike the void visualized by god-less men. Hence in a strongly religious community, situation
of Sweden doesn’t arise.
religion is not the result of social necessity, but one can say, religiosity is even a social necessity.
Sarvam krishNArpaNamastu.
vEnkaTa vinOd.