We understand that the list of webpages is not
complete. Please feel free to inform us about any sri vaishNava sites that are not listed here or changed webaddresses. you
can email to winode_sv@yahoo.co.in
Sri Ramanuja Matham Australian Branch Sri Yatiraja Jeeyar
Matham, Sri Perumbudur http://www.srimatham.com/
Poundarikapuram Andavan Ashramam - A great monastery in Srirangam, founded in the 19th century.http://www.andavan.org/
Sri Ahobila Matham - The official website of Sri Ahobila Matham. Founded in 1398, one of
the main organized centers of Vedanta and Sri Vaishnavam.http://www.ahobilamutt.org/
Sri Parakala Matham - Web Site of Sri Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakala Matham, one of the
most ancient and sacred religious institutions of India, established by Swamy Sri Vedanta Desikan Himself. The Presiding Deity
of the Parakala Mutt is Lord Lakshmi Hayagreeva, God of all Knowledge. This idol which in the Matham headquarters in Mysore
today is NONE OTHER THAN THE ONE WORSHIPPED BY GODDESS SARASWATI Herself. Goddess Saraswati presented this idol to Bhagavan
Ramanuja on His SriBhashyam and it arrived in the Hands of Swamy Desikan through other eminent AchAryas like Pillan, Engal
Alvan, Vatsya Varada and Appullar. This web site is developed and maintained by few patrons/sishyAs of the Matham as a humble
pranAms to the revered achAryAs of the Matham and in the spirit of service to Their FEET.http://www.parakalamatham.org/
Srirangam Srimad Andavan Ashramam The web site provides with some important informations about Srirangam
Srimad Andavan Ashramam, a 300 year old vedic center head quartered in Srirangam.
Sri Sri Sri Sitarama Yateendrulu - A site dedicated to propagate the teachings of H.H Sri Sitarama Yateendrulu,
a Srivaishnava pitadhipati of Mumukshujana Maha Pitham, located in the village of Pedamuktevi, Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh,
India. His Holiness propagated the bhakti siddhanta as propounded by Sri Ramanuja.http://eternalecstacy.freeservers.com/
http://yathiraja.tripod.com/ Sri Yadugiri Yathiraja Mutt, bangalore
www.sadagopan.org a very resourceful sri vaishNava website
Prapatti Online is a humble effort to provide information about Sri Vaishnavism. This
site features several Photo Galleries including 108 Divya Desams & Sri Vaishnava Acharyas. A growing collection of Stotras in many languages and Audio MP3 Recordings are also available.
www.ramanuja.org apart from a vast information base, the bhakti mail archive makes this
so special resource.
Offer upanyasams, on line classes and articles on Ramanuja Acharya
and Sri Vaishnavism. www.radioramanuja.com/
Information about the Sri Vaisnava school of Hindu
philosophy, known as Visista Advaita Vedanta. ... the first Acarya and the paramguru (Grand-teacher) of Bhagavad Ramanuja.
Academy of Sanskrit Research, Melkote - A modern center dedicated to ancient themes. Located in the ancient
temple town of Melkote, the ASRM aims at studying and preserving traditional texts of the Sri Vaishnava tradition. They have
already ublished several outstanding editions of Visistadvaita works. They also are producing software for analyzing Sanskrit
http://www15.brinkster.com/mudaliandan/ This website is an attempt by Sishyas of Mudaliandan
Swami Thirumaligai to communicate the life history of our great acharya, Swami Mudaliandan, known as Yadiraja Paduga.
108 Vishnu Temples & Alwars - A Complete Divine website that clearly says about the 108 Vishnu Sthalams
known as "Divyadesams" and also explains about Alwars. Various monthly poojas, pictures of Deities, more useful religious
articles, etc...
http://venkateswara.freeservers.com/ Srinivasa Vaibhavam: Site Created and Maintained by Sri U.Ve Varadachari Sadagopan and Haresh Balasubramaniam.
Azhvargal.com - Talk about Azhvargal/Divyadesams/Acharyans in Tamil.
http://www.ibiblio.org/sripedia/ The SriPedia initiative attempts to provide universal access to
some of the numerous texts that comprise the body of Vedic knowledge.
http://stats.pbase.com/svami/root great database with pictures of Sri vaishNava
temples and AchAryAs
www.thiruman.com <http://www.thiruman.com> Dedicated to Sri Srinivasa Perumal
Sri Ranganatha Temple, Pomona, NY http://www.ranganatha.org/
http://tiruppavaihymns01.tripod.com/ tiruppavai renderings
along with brief lectures
kanchi varadaraja swami temple http://www.kanchi.tn.nic.in/varadaraja.htm
maintained by sumitra varadarajan http://www.geocities.com/sumivaradan/
nava tirupati divya dEsams http://home.att.net/~srivai/nt.htm
Srivilliputtur http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Troy/7673/
http://mannaram.tripod.com/ramanuja/ many stotras in multiple languages
http://ramanujasabha.freeservers.com/ Ramanuja Sabha is a Srivaishnava Sabha formed by a group
of Srivaishnavites in Mumbai(India) with the blessings of His Holiness Sri Ramanuja Jeer Swamiji Of Vanamamalai Mutt. The
http://www.desikasabha.org/ Sri Vedantha Desika Sampradaya Sabha (Regd.) has been one of the foremost Organisations promoted by Srivaishnavites in the Metropolis of Mumbai in the mid
forties. The Founder President of the Sabha was Sri Ubha Ve. C.V. Vijaya Raghavachariar Swami, Retd. First Indian Presidency
Post Master of then Bombay State. At a meeting of a few members of the community at the residence of Sri Ubha Ve. C. Sundaram
Iyengar Swami ( known as Sri C.S. Iyengar ) it was decided to form the Sabha under the Aegis of Sri Vedantha Desika Sampradaya
Sabha, to strive for the preservation and promotion of our ancient culture and help to understand and practice the Sri Vaishanava
Philosophy as taught by Bhagavad Ramanuja and Sri Vedantha Desika. The Sabha was formed with its headquarters at No. 13, K.A.
Subramaniam Road ( then Brahmanwada Road ), Matunga, Mumbai 400 019.
Sri.Adivan Satagopa Mahadesikan
http://thillasthanamsabha.freehosting.net/ Sri. Thillasthanam Swamy made ceaseless
efforts to promote Sanathana Dharma in general and Srivaishnavism in particular .
http://www.doddamallur.com/ Welcome to the
virtual abode of Lord
Aprameya & Navaneetha Krishna of Dodda Mallur.
http://www.karnatakavaishanavatemples.net/ This Web
site is specially created for all the Vaishnava Temples located in Karnataka.
Sri Ranganatha Temple, Pomona, NY
http://www.srirangam.org/ sri rangam ranganAtha swami temple details